Mad About Lawns

Lawn Mowing – Tips And Advice

Lawn mowing is an essential part of lawn care, as it helps to keep your lawn looking neat and tidy, while also promoting healthy growth. However, there are many different techniques and tips for mowing a lawn, and it can be difficult to know which ones are the best for your lawn.

One of the best practices for mowing a lawn is to keep the blade of your mower sharp. A sharp blade will make it easier to cut through the grass, and it will also help to prevent damage to the lawn. Additionally, it is important to keep your mower clean, as a dirty mower can cause damage to your lawn and it can also spread disease.

Important tip

Another important tip for mowing a lawn is to not mow it too short. Mowing your lawn too short can cause damage to the roots, and it can also make it more susceptible to pests and diseases. It is best to keep your lawn at a height of around 3 inches.

It is also important to mow your lawn regularly. This will help to keep the grass at a consistent height and will also help to prevent the formation of clumps or bare spots. Additionally, it is important to mow your lawn when it is dry, as mowing a wet lawn can cause damage to the grass and make it more difficult to mow.

Another good practice is to vary the mowing pattern each time you mow, this will prevent the grass from being pushed in the same direction each time and it will help to prevent the soil from being compacted in one area.

It is important to consider the time of day when you mow your lawn. The best time to mow your lawn is in the early morning or late afternoon, as the grass is less likely to be damaged during these times.


Mowing your lawn is an essential part of lawn care. It is important to keep the blade of your mower sharp, to not mow it too short, to mow your lawn regularly, to vary the mowing pattern and to consider the time of day when you mow your lawn. Mad About Lawns can provide regular mowing services and will be happy to offer you advice and tips on how to best mow your lawn.

Cutting the lawn is the most time-consuming part of lawn care. It seems sensible to do it correctly. Cutting grass short reduces rooting depth which in turn reduces the water the plant gets, this can cause stress, weakness and possible death of grasses during dry spells. Mowing once a week will produce a much denser turf than if you mow every 2 weeks. Never remove more than one-third of the grass blade on any one occasion. If your lawn mower is set for a 1″ cut which is an ideal mowing height you must mow at or before the grass gets to 1½” whether that’s 4 days or 8 days before the cut. In very dry weather raise the cut up one set. Remember mowing height is a compromise between getting the superb-looking lawn you want, and allowing the grass enough leaf to be healthy and look greener.

When and how much lawn mowing?

Cut your grass as regularly as you can, never cut too much off at any one time.
Probably stop cutting your grass at the end of May and start back again in August.

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